The Midwifery Team is based locally in Coatbridge Health Centre. Their contact number is: 01236 432200. Our Midwives are from the Maternity Service Team at Wishaw General Hospital.
If you are pregnant, you should contact the Midwives on the above number, for booking services and maternity care.
Scan Information
Caesarian Wound Care
English (PDF, 150KB) | Mandarin (PDF, 717KB) | Polish (PDF, 615KB) | Urdu (PDF, 680KB)
Pain Relief In Labour
English (PDF, 229KB)
Healthy Eating Checklist for Pregnancy
English (PDF, 89KB)
Aquanatal Sessions Guidelines
English (PDF, 316KB)
ABC Of Baby Resuscitation
English (PDF, 147KB)
Other Information
A Word From The Chaplains (PDF, 58KB)
A Guide To Routine Blood Tests Offered During Pregnancy (PDF, 431KB)