Scottish Gluten-free Food Service
If you are diagnosed as needing gluten-free food as part of your coeliac disease and/or dermatitis herpetiformis care, you can now access your prescription through the Scottish Gluten-free Food Service.
What is the Scottish Gluten-free Food Service?
The Scottish Gluten-free Food Service (GFFS) is an NHS service that allows you to manage your gluten-free food prescription through your pharmacist instead of through your GP.
For more information about the service including how to register (PDF, 38KB) and how to place an order (PDF, 72KB) please download the NHS Scotland GFFS Patient Information leaflet (PDF, 38KB).
Gluten-free Food Service in NHS Lanarkshire
Over 114 pharmacies spread throughout Lanarkshire have signed up to deliver the GFFS (PDF, 411KB). This number is expected to increase to include 121 pharmacies as this valuable service grows.